A Guide to Volunteer Screening in Houston

If you are running a non-profit firm or some charitable organization, you know that you need volunteers for activities and events. More often than not you can run hire a candidate that may not be reliable for the work, or exhibits negative influence in your work place. For avoiding such volunteers, few companies in Houston provide volunteer screening. Screening interviews can help in getting to know potential volunteers better. Through volunteer screening in Houston, TX you can get intricate details like abilities, interests, and experiences in volunteering of a potential candidate.

Purpose of Screening

Volunteer screening in Houston, TX can help you get candidates that fall into your criteria and requirements for hiring. Screening interviews inform the candidates about the procedures, policies and the nature of work at your organization in order to be on the same page. This is followed by an informational interview, where the candidates are given information on the agency and the volunteer program. This interview can occur prior to the screening interview.

Lastly, placement interviews are conducted where the candidate and the employer set grounds to work on. If the interviewer is confident about a candidate’s potential, then the placement interview is conducted right after volunteer screening.

Common Questions Asked in Screening

When your organization takes on services of a firm providing volunteer screening in Houston, TX, you get the best possible candidate for the job. Here are a few common questions that we ask potential volunteers:

  • What are your credentials (education background)?
  • Where have you been employed before?
  • What is the length of your previous terms of employment?
  • Do you have any previous experience in volunteering? If yes, then what was your nature of work and with what organizations?
  • What are your motives to be a volunteer?
  • Are you a part of any social club, association, or organization?
  • Are you willing to commit to the length of employment?
  • Have you been in any altercations with law and is your driving license clean?


You just might miss out on the right person for the job if you conduct screening interviews internally. There is only limited information you can gain access to, unless if you hire a company to do volunteer screening in Houston, TX for you. Such companies work in compliance with laws and regulations and can reveal accurate and authentic data about a potential volunteer. They make sure you get the best person for the job.

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