Student Housing Tenant Screening Saves Effort and Money

The number of students that make false claims to apply for off-campus residence are growing increasingly, which makes the time of the screening process too long for anyone’s liking. This is why conducting a background check on student housing can help in having a more thorough and resourceful screening.

Why Should I Screen?

Volunteers Background Screening

The vendor also has to keep the time for due-diligence and background checks in consideration. For instance, recently, a client received a write-up with favorable terms and an agreement was ensued. However, the prospective client and their key executive were rejected as they did not pass the inspection on-site. Further investigation into the matter revealed that the prospective client’s business was made up, whereas the alleged owner turned out to be on the Most Wanted list for the week before being detained.

With the implementation of screening software in the student housing background check process, you get more in depth details than ever before. For instance, when a student fails the required criteria:

  • You receive prompt electronic notification
  • You can check why the student failed
  • You can modify the criteria for student background screening
  • You can track the report progress

Compliance with Vendor

Another issue is dishonest vendors that want the student’s financial and personal information. Contracting a business or an individual on the internet always poses this risk. Therefore, the license and authenticity of any individual must appear before an agreement. Using compliance check lists can ensure the vendors are sticking to requirements. Vendors may also send Compliance Representatives over your facility as a practice of due diligence. The Compliance Representative will then check the licenses, permits, and also the validity of vendor’s services to make sure you won’t risk the identity and information of students and/or their parents.


Before entering an agreement with a party, you must make sure that you know their criminal and background history. Make sure that any employee that enters your premise has a background check on him/her. This enables to keep the information and property safe.

Automated Reports

It almost becomes impossible keeping track of interviews, background checks, credit history, and reference checks on students. Hence, an automated report on your mobile phone can help you keep track of these processes by:

  • Excluding students with criminal history
  • Alerting you on dishonest vendors
  • Sending Compliance Representatives to validate properties
  • Keeping you updated on the progress
  • Protecting the clients and students information

An efficient and safe screening can help you keep your property safe, which as a result saves energy and money.


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