FBI Background Check in Little Rock

Running an FBI background check in Little Rock or other area can be helpful, but your background check should really entail more than just the FBI background check. Unfortunately in our current system in the U.S., there is not enough communication between local, state, and federal authorities to have consistent records for arrests.

Because there are no central laws on reporting arrests and arrest warrants between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, the amount of information they share varies. This is especially true with fugitive records.

FBI Background Check in Little Rock
An FBI Background Check is not enough!

Many local and state agencies do not take the time to report arrest warrants for fugitives to federal agencies because they do not believe they have the manpower to pursue these fugitives into different areas.

Some fugitives are even able to obtain firearms due to background checks that do not produce results that accurately reflect their criminal history. For example, Deandra Smith was able to purchase four guns at local pawn shops here in Little Rock, even after facing charges in a shooting-related offense because his warrant wasn’t reported to state or federal authorities.

Some states do require local authorities to report arrests and warrants for arrests. Some states require state-level background checks for purchasing weapons. However, these aren’t necessarily the same states that require both. And most states do not require reporting to the federal authorities, so some fugitives could simply cross state lines and purchase a gun.

There are other concerns that can be involved in running only an FBI background check in Little Rock. If you are hiring new employees, you could be hiring someone with a fairly extensive criminal record and not even know it. Or you could be allowing a new tenant to move into your property and possibly endangering your property or, worse, your other tenants or yourself.

The safety of your business, your property, and others affected are important to consider. You must run more than just an FBI background check in Little Rock or any other area. This is just one detail to remember when running a background check on someone. You can cross reference residence history and run checks in each county and state of residence to get the most thorough picture of someone’s past. Or you can consult with ACUTRAQ to get the best and most thorough background check.

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