Clearing Your Incorrect Criminal Record

When your background check uncovers incorrect information, it is important to work quickly and correctly to clear the incorrect criminal record. We posted previously [link to previous post] about why you might find incorrect information on your criminal record. Here are some steps to clear that information.

Find the source. However you find out there is incorrect information on your record, obtain a copy of it, whether it be from a potential employer, potential landlord, or whatever the case. Find out where the information originated and contact that party.

Investigate the source’s method for correcting information. Depending on who reported the information, there may be differing methods to clearing your name. Depending on whether the misinformation came from a law enforcement agency or a private criminal reporting agency, the process will differ. Contact the agency and request information to begin the process.

Contact the state or local authorities in the area in which the offense is claimed to have occurred. Even if the misinformation came from a private company, you will likely need proof from the courts in the area of offense to clear your name. Even if you are able to clear the information without these documents, you may need them in the future in case a problem arises again.

If you are unable to get the information cleared on your own, hire legal help. Free or low cost legal assistance is available if needed.

Even if the incorrect information does not cause you a big problem initially, it could in another setting. Hopefully you can clear your name before a mistake someone else made has lasting effects for you.


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